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New posts in factory-bot

Clear database after testing a rake task using RSpec

Rails factory_girl create_list builds the same object

factory girl and nested_attributes in rails 3

How do I create an admin role with Factory girl?

Testing presence and belongs_to with Rspec

Test data generation for Ember.js (like factory_girl or machinist)

factory girl - passing association data

ruby-on-rails factory-bot

Using FactoryGirl's attributes_for with Paperclip attachment

Creating an array of values in FactoryGirl, each of which is unique

FactoryGirl — Factory not registered

Updating from FactoryGirl to factoryBot results in NoMethodError

ruby rspec factory-bot

How do I create a factory for models that have a has_one/belongs_to relationship with validations that are usually overcome by nested attributes?

RSpec + FactoryGirl and controller specs

passing params to post :create request ruby-on-rails-3.1, Rspec, factory-girl

FactoryGirl: Creating dynamic factories with parameters?

Rails 4 Paperclip FactoryGirl file uploading

Creating a record does not appear to persist to the test database, rspec, factory_girl_rails

FactoryGirl: ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch: User expected, got #<Class:0x007>

ruby-on-rails factory-bot

How to debug "database does not exist" error in test suite?

How can I load seeds.rb into the test database without breaking FactoryGirl?