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New posts in rspec2

RSpec `should_receive` behaviour with multiple method invocation

ruby testing rspec rspec2

RSpec-2 and Devise

What are the right parameters for a rspec put request on my stub

Automatically re-run rspec example if a Timeout::Error occurs

rspec rspec2 rspec-rails

how to use rspec to mock a class method inside a module

ruby rspec mocking rspec2

rspec way for passing variable between multiple contexts

ruby rspec rspec2

How do I get the whole error backtrace for rspec?

How to replace Rspec's ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= 'test' deprecated in Rails 3.0?

NoMethodError:undefined method `symbolize_keys' in rspec test

Capybara can't find link on the page

Assert that no method is called on a mock

ruby rspec rspec2

Rails 4 and RSpec, undefined method `assertions' in routing spec

How do I use Capybara get, show, post, put in controller tests?

Test only one it or describe with Rspec

Testing Omniauth in Rails

rspec/capybara: how to simulate incoming POST requests? (rack-test won't work)

With capybara, how to use page.should render_template

rspec devise rspec2 capybara

passing params to post :create request ruby-on-rails-3.1, Rspec, factory-girl

Gem tests can't find route using url_for

Why is 'FactoryGirl.lint' giving InvalidFactoryError?