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Rake test not picking up capybara tests in minitest

Capybara choose("radio button") not working

How do I set a cookie from Capybara's default Rack::Test driver?


Is there any difference between a feature spec and a view spec?

How to test confirm/alert messages with capybara + headless chrome

Is testing features enough? [closed]

ruby-on-rails capybara

How to add a section to a SitePrism page object dynamically?

How to select elements without a class by not using :not()?

select: Capybara::Ambiguous: Ambiguous match, found 2 elements matching visible option

better cucumber (Capybara-based) selection when multiple similar fields appear in a form

checkbox cucumber capybara

Capybara/selenium: wait for element to become hidden

selenium cucumber capybara

Capybara can't find link on the page

Capybara selenium driver, hovering an element

rails capybara - how to detect js clicking on a li (not a link or a button)

Get border style with Capybara

ruby capybara

Choosing a radio button from its labels with Capybara


Test if a div has a certain css style in rspec/capybara?

ruby-on-rails capybara

In Capybara, does :exact or Capybara.exact apply to have_selector?

ruby cucumber capybara

Selenium capybara check background color of a div within another div

How do I use Capybara get, show, post, put in controller tests?