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New posts in ruby-on-rails-4.2

Rails rescue_from stops execution flow

NoMethodError - undefined method `timestamp_sort_order' for Paper trail issue after upgrading Rails 4.2

Cannot use "link_to" or "button_to" in Rails 4.2 with Semantic-UI

How Do I Correct An Error with rails console command?

Shoulda-matchers are not seen by rails/rspec

Rails 4.2 syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting =>

rails server cannot start; getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known (SocketError)

In url, how to show title-name instead of id in ruby on rails?

Rails 4.2.0.rc1 upgrade <module:InheritedResources>': uninitialized constant ActionController::Responder (NameError)

How to remove id from select active record?


"first!" on AR CollectionProxy raises "undefined method [] for nil" after updating from Rails 4.1.4 to 4.2.0

`rake notes` should scan haml

upgraded to Rails 4.2.6: rake db:migrate inserting column limits into schema.rb

Rails 4.2 web-console issue

AWS SDK v2 for s3

Rails 4.2 saving has_and_belongs_to_many association Ids

Rails: Share enum declaration values between models

How can I get ActiveJob to enqueue jobs in Sidekiq on Heroku when called from the app (not the console)?