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New posts in rails-activerecord

Implementing the composite pattern in Ruby on Rails

ActiveRecord :includes - how to use map with loaded associations?

Rails ActiveRecord handle an id column that is not the primary key

Performance differences between .exists? and .where.present?

Rails find_by_sql - Use "?" literally rather than as bind variable?

How can I simulate `OR` conditions for `has_many` association in Rails 5?

How to prevent nested create failing with scoped has_many in ActiveRecord?

Changing table name at query run time in a Rails application

Rails Postgres query, selecting only items that appear in all search params with associations

Rubocop Uniqueness validation should be with a unique index, in values that start from some specific values

How to get this postgres group by date count include days with 0

Building a Rails scope using `tap`

Ruby on Rails - how would I change the order of posts displayed to newest at the top of page?

belongs_to touch: true not fired on association.build and nested attribute assignment

How to define the sequence to use when creating a table in ActiveRecord migration in Ruby on Rails 5.2?

How does the upsert function in Rails work?

undefined method `group_by_day' - rails 3.2

Constructing an ActiveRecord with Nested Joins - Rails 4

Prevent the updated_at field in User to get modified while signing in using devise

Why won't update action work for nested form fields in rails?