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New posts in rails-activerecord

How to group/select JSON type column (PG::UndefinedFunction: ERROR: could not identify an equality operator for type json)

How should I test Rails Enums?

ActiveRecord: Exclude group if at least one record within it doesn't meet condition

Do shoulda-matchers' ActiveRecord matchers violate the "test behavior not implementation" rule?

Rails InvalidForeignKey

DateTime arithmetic in an ActiveRecord query (PostgreSQL)

Problems while making a generic model in Ruby on Rails 3

Rails 4 model returns always nil

Using Enum and want to access the stored integer value in the view

Optional where in Rails

How to define a custom name for delegate method in Rails 5?

rails accessing model attributes return nil

where does database.yml get loaded in ActiveRecord in Rails 4?

Rails Observer Not Working

Use active record to find a record by month and day, ignoring year and time