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Rails 4 model returns always nil

I am going crazy with the following error. I have a User class and two of its attributes (birthday & created_at => datetime) returns always nil besides it has a value on the database.

I'm using devise to manage the authentication.

This is the db table:

  id serial NOT NULL,
  email character varying(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::character varying,
  encrypted_password character varying(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::character varying,
  reset_password_token character varying(255),
  reset_password_sent_at timestamp without time zone,
  remember_created_at timestamp without time zone,
  sign_in_count integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  current_sign_in_at timestamp without time zone,
  last_sign_in_at timestamp without time zone,
  current_sign_in_ip character varying(255),
  last_sign_in_ip character varying(255),
  name character varying(255),
  lastname character varying(255),
  birthday timestamp without time zone,
  gender character varying(255),
  created_at timestamp without time zone,
  updated_at timestamp without time zone,
  authentication_token character varying(255),
  facebook_uid character varying(255),
  gplus_uid character varying(255),
  CONSTRAINT users_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)

and this is the model

#encoding: utf-8
class User < ActiveRecord::Base

  has_many :user_benefits
  has_many :benefits, through: :user_benefits

  devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable,
         :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable

  validates :gender, :inclusion => { :in => %w(m f)}
  validates :email, email_format: { message: "Email invalido" }

  before_save :ensure_authentication_token

  def ensure_authentication_token
    if authentication_token.blank?
      self.authentication_token = generate_authentication_token

  def set_gender new_gender

    case new_gender.downcase
      when "male"
        self.gender = 'm'
      when "female"
        self.gender = 'f'
      when "m"
        self.gender = 'm'
      when "f"
        self.gender = 'f'
        self.gender = nil


  def get_response
        :user => {
          :email=> self.email,
          :name=> self.name,
          :lastname=> self.lastname,
          :birthday=> self.birthday,
          :gender=> self.gender,
          :auth_token=> self.authentication_token,
          :created_at=> self.created_at,
          :updated_at=> self.updated_at,
          :facebook_uid=> self.facebook_uid,
          :gplus_uid=> self.gplus_uid


  def generate_authentication_token
    loop do
      token = Devise.friendly_token
      break token unless User.where(authentication_token: token).first


When I call get_response I'm getting:

  auth_token: "fRoi1RPTuP64m55jXCSS"
  user: {
    email: "[email protected]"
    name: "Lalo"
    lastname: "Landa"
    birthday: null
    gender: "m"
    auth_token: "fRoi1RPTuP64m55jXCSS"
    created_at: null
    updated_at: "2013-11-27T20:14:22.534-03:00"
    facebook_uid: null
    gplus_uid: null
  new: false

Someone has an idea?


like image 808
Germán Lena Avatar asked Dec 15 '22 03:12

Germán Lena

2 Answers

config.active_record.default_timezone requires a symbol, either :local or :utc.

config.time_zone requires a regular time zone as you have done.

config.active_record.default_timezone determines whether to use Time.local (if set to :local) or Time.utc (if set to :utc) when pulling dates and times from the database. The default is :utc.


like image 172
Blair Anderson Avatar answered Jan 15 '23 01:01

Blair Anderson

I found the problem.

Some days ago I changed the config/application.rb file adding the following configuration to solve some issues with timezones:

config.time_zone and config.active_record.default_timezone

I've just removed them and all is working fine again.

like image 24
Germán Lena Avatar answered Jan 15 '23 01:01

Germán Lena