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New posts in shoulda

NoMethodError: undefined method `validate_presence_of' (Rspec and Shoulda-Matchers)

Shoulda-matchers are not seen by rails/rspec

Testing associations with rspec-rails 3.0.1 and shoulda doesn't work

Do shoulda-matchers' ActiveRecord matchers violate the "test behavior not implementation" rule?

Capybara issue: @request must be an ActionDispatch::Request

Shoulda-matcher How to validate uniqueness of enum attribute?

ruby-on-rails rspec shoulda

How can I generate a report that shows me my slowest running tests in Rails 3.2, Ruby 1.9?

Shoulda + FactoryGirl: Can I make my tests faster?

Confused - spec_helper.rb:94:in `<top (required)>': uninitialized constant Shoulda (NameError)

How to Unit Test namespaced models

shoulda macros with rspec2 beta 5 and rails3 beta2

Unit testing a module that is included in ActiveRecord models

Shoulda matchers have_many with custom relation name

ruby-on-rails rspec shoulda

testing my Ruby gem: undefined method `configure' for Shoulda::Matchers:Module (NoMethodError)

NameError: uninitialized constant Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError when upgrading to rails3

rake not running unit tests

ruby-on-rails rake shoulda

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Is there a good way to test `before_validation` callbacks with an `:on` argument in Rails?

Shoulda rspec matchers :on => :create

Can't get uniqueness validation test pass with shoulda matcher