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New posts in shoulda

Shoulda: Test validates_presence_of :on => :update

undefined method 'assign_to' after updating shoulda-matchers

What's the main difference between cucumber and shoulda?

Shoulda vs Remarkable for rspec and rails

ruby-on-rails rspec shoulda

Testing uniqueness in a scope in a Rails project using shoulda (but not rspec)

rspec and shoulda - complementary or alternatives?

no such file to load -- rspec/matchers - rspec-rails, shoulda, cucumber, factory girl, Rails2.3.10

Shoulda-Matchers and Custom Error Messages

Shoulda validate_format_of . not_with has problem in framework (or in my understanding)

how to test rspec shoulda for custom validation in rails?

Error when checking enum value with shoulda-matchers

ruby-on-rails rspec shoulda

How can I mute Rails 3 deprecation warnings selectively?

Is shoulda destroying my backtraces?

Using shoulda to refactor rspec tests on Rails models

How do I test for a 204 response in RSpec in Rails?

Rails: Shoulda-matchers belong_to optional test

Rspec should change count without lambda

ActiveSupport::TestCase vs Test::Unit::TestCase when unit testing rails

shoulda matchers should validate_uniqueness_of failing with scope

ruby-on-rails rspec shoulda