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New posts in shoulda

Testing devise with shoulda

RSpec vs. Shoulda?

Rspec, shoulda, validate_uniqueness_of with scope and wrong error message

In Rails controller tests, Is there a way to simulate a specific remote IP?

Rspec, shoulda and spork does not work together

Setup Factory Girl with Test::Unit and Shoulda

How to use shoulda matchers to test a polymorphic association?

How to test scopes?

when does factory girl create objects in db?

How can I use `should validate_presence_of` with a custom error message?

shoulda-matchers RSpec expect syntax

rspec shoulda

Why should I use RSpec or shoulda with Rails?

How can I test :inclusion validation in Rails using RSpec

Shoulda/RSpec matchers - conditional validation

How to run Rails console in the test environment and load test_helper.rb?