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New posts in attr-accessible

Devise not working with Rails 4.0rc1

Please use new recommended protection model for params(strong_parameters) or add `protected_attributes` to your gemfile

Custom user fields in Devise 3 under Rails 4

rails attr_accessible rspec check

Updating Model Attributes

Mass assignment fails when upgrading to Rails 4

Rails 3.2, Mass Assignment, Dynamic Roles?

Rails and attr_accessible: is there a way to raise an exception if a non-mass-assignable attribute is mass-assigned?

Specify attribute list in attr_accessor with method call

attr_accessible in rails Active Record

Using Rails 3.1 :as => :admin for updating attributes protected by attr_accessible

Difference between attr_accessible and strong parameters

Using attr_accessor and attr_accessible on the same field

Forbidden Attributes Error in Rails 4 when encountering a situation where one would have used attr_accessible in earlier versions of Rails