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New posts in rails-migrations

How do I add an UPDATE CASCADE to a Rails-Postgres migration?

Error :The action 'show' could not be found for PostsController"

Should I delete migration after rollback

Limit integer size in Rails migration

"No relations found" in psql after rails db:migrate succeeds

How to define the sequence to use when creating a table in ActiveRecord migration in Ruby on Rails 5.2?

Rails migration: primary key id with unsigned int(10)

Temporary index name too long in Rails migration

Rails changes schema.rb timestamps to datetimes

Are rake db:create and rake db:migrate idempotent?

Rails and MySQL syntax error with multiple SQL statements in an execute block

how to run rake task using rails migration

How can I specify that all tables should contain certain fields?

Can't Rails 3 run in MySQL MyISAM mode, without InnoDB?

Rails 5—How to add UUID column

Rails migration gives error when trying to also create a record in the self.up

undefined method `link_to_remote' in MiniTest for application_helper test

How to stop Rails 3.1 migration from running in a transaction?

Generate an auto increment field in rails