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Rails 5—How to add UUID column

There doesn't seem to be much documentation on UUIDs in Rails 5. All I've found is this code:

create_table :users, id: :uuid do |t|
  t.string :name

That works great if you're creating a table, but what if you're updating an already-existing table?

How do you add a UUID column to a table?

like image 881
Mirror318 Avatar asked Dec 07 '22 20:12


2 Answers

To migrate from default id to use uuid, try writing migration like this:

class ChangeProjectsPrimaryKey < ActiveRecord::Migration
   def change
     add_column :projects, :uuid, :uuid, default: "uuid_generate_v4()", null: false

     change_table :projects do |t|
       t.remove :id
       t.rename :uuid, :id

     execute "ALTER TABLE projects ADD PRIMARY KEY (id);"
like image 171
Umar Khan Avatar answered Dec 16 '22 02:12

Umar Khan

Here's how to add a uuid column to an existing Rails table.

class AddUuidToContacts < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1]
  def change
     enable_extension 'uuid-ossp' # => http://theworkaround.com/2015/06/12/using-uuids-in-rails.html#postgresql
     add_column :contacts, :uuid, :uuid, default: "uuid_generate_v4()", null: false
     execute "ALTER TABLE contacts ADD PRIMARY KEY (uuid);"

If you forget to add enable_extension 'uuid-ossp', you'll get these errors:

PG::UndefinedFunction: ERROR: function uuid_generate_v4() does not exist ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::UndefinedFunction: ERROR: function uuid_generate_v4() does not exist

like image 45
Powers Avatar answered Dec 16 '22 04:12
