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How to stop Rails 3.1 migration from running in a transaction?

I want to add an index to a production database. Fortunately we're running Postgres, which nicely allows concurrent indexing, so we can add an index without downtime. The catch -- concurrent indexes cannot be added from within a transaction, and rails migrations wrap everything inside a transaction.

Fortunately, there is something that looks like a really simple solution: overwrite the ActiveRecord::Migration private method ddl_transaction, as explained here.

class IndexUsersEmails < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def ddl_transaction(&block)
    block.call # do not start a transaction

  def self.up
    execute "CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY index_users_on_email ON users(email)"

The problem is that it does not seem to work in Rails 3.1. I do exactly what the code in the Gist does, and rails appears to completely ignore it. Any ideas on where to go with this?

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jpadvo Avatar asked Feb 03 '23 07:02


1 Answers

I just noticed that I never accepted an answer here, so I should say what I did. Turns out you can get out of the transaction like this:

class AddFbPageIdIndexToTabs < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def up
    execute "END"
    execute "CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY bob_lob_law_index ON bob_lob (law)"
    execute "BEGIN"

  def down
    execute "END"
    execute "DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY bob_lob_law_index"
    execute "BEGIN"

Just run an execute "END" before the thing you want to run outside the transaction. This will end the transaction that ActiveRecord::Migration automagically set up for the migration. After you are done with the code you want to run outside the transaction, execute "BEGIN" opens a new transaction so that ActiveRecord::Migration can go through its cleanup process and close the transaction that it thinks it opened.

(I forget where online I found this trick, and can't find it now. Edits welcome to source this!)

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jpadvo Avatar answered Mar 05 '23 07:03
