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New posts in has-and-belongs-to-many

CakePHP 3 belongsToMany Validation

Rails: How to setup a form with multiple select tags with a HABTM relationship

Rails - deleting a single record in a intersection table habtm

Ruby on Rails: Change checkbox label in formtastic

Rails HABTM with polymorphic relationships

Rails 4 many to many association not working

Rails 4 scope on HABTM association

Deleting duplicate records in join table

HABTM association with Strong Parameters is not saving user in Rails 4

Unpermitted Parameters with Strong Params with many-to-many relationship

MySQL INTERSECT via joins table?

Creating a new record in Rails HABTM nested form

Rails: How to observe join records that don't actually have a Model?

Cake HABTM Query, Order By Rand()

Rails 5 before_destroy throw(:abort)

CakePHP form helper - HABTM multiple checkbox styling

Cakephp retrieving HABTM which Conditions

Creating a Rails 3 HABTM with Active Admin throws a 'Can't mass-assign protected attributes:' error

Rails 4.2 saving has_and_belongs_to_many association Ids

Rails: is it possible to add extra attribute to a has_and_belongs_to_many association?