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New posts in has-and-belongs-to-many

validate presence of has_and_belongs_to_many

Rails Associations, habtm? Polymorphic? Both?

Implementing tags in Rails: How to reference multiple items with one tag?

How can i use accepts nested attributes with the HABTM?

Rails has_many through cannot save in nested form due to id = null

How to save in a proper way a HABTM relationship on Rails

Validating length of habtm association without saving

CakePHP - problem with HABTM paginate query

HABTM mongoid following/follower

ActiveAdmin - implement HABTM / multidimensional array in DSL

How to get array with rows related to another table for Bllim Datatable - Laravel

How can I delete an entry from a HABTM join table in rails?

Rails 3 HABTM find by record associated model attribute

Rails - how to order a model by its has many association?

Rails 4 HABTM custom validation on associations

Rails: Find rows without connection in HABTM relation

Conditions to paginate for belongsToMany CakePHP 3

How to set up a typical users HABTM roles relationship

Ruby/Rails - Check If Child Id Exists Within Record of HABTM Relationship

Ransack and acts-as-taggable-on issues