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New posts in cancan

Accessing get params in CanCan

How to modify cancan load and authorize resource to load resource using different id

Rails - CanCan HABTM association checks

ruby-on-rails cancan

CanCan skip authorization for some action

Rolify and getting a list of User with specific access to a resource

Setting CanCan ability.rs model

CanCan - "user" parameter is nil - Rails 4

Getting Cancan's load_and_authorize_resource working within a custom create action

rails4: cancan or cancancan? with has_secure_password

Rails3 - CanCan - uninitialized constant Ability::Page

Devise + CanCan just prevent other users from editing objects

Ruby on Rails: CanCan and static pages

ruby-on-rails cancan

mocking CanCan authorization while testing controllers with RSpec

cancan - "can :manage, all". I haven't been able to get access to all in rails 3 app with devise

Accessing main app's CanCan rules from within Rails 3.1 engine

How can I default an ancestral relationship with cancan to an internal node of the tree?

ruby-on-rails-3 cancan

Authorizing Namespaced and Nested controllers using CanCan

Rspec, CanCan and Devise