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Can association lines be merged in one line in UML?

Does association in UML associate objects or classes?

Conditional Relationship in Graph DB

Neo4J - Storing into relationship vs nodes

My Octobercms pivot table gets the data that model table should get when i try to add to it

SQL Server 2008 - Multiple Cascading FK's - Do i need a trigger?

Laravel belongsTo only returns the id and not the entire object

Laravel/Ardent - on save(), error: Relationship method must return an object of type Illuminate

Entity Framework (Code First) One to Many and One to One relations (with two entities). How to?

Laravel Specifying a condition for a morphMany collection

SQL Modeling Follower/Followed Relationships For Social Networking

Alternative to multi-valued fields in MS Access

Django generic relation field reports that all() is getting unexpected keyword argument when no args are passed

Current Date in SQLAlchemy ORM relationship

How to model a mutual friendship in Rails

Laravel whereHas on Many-to-Many relationships

SQL Database storing different types of values (in or simulated as a single field)

Symfony2 Doctrine get random product from a category

Laravel merge relationships