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EntityFramework include vs join performance

What exactly returns EntityUtils.toString(response)?

android apache rest entity

How to obtain Class from JPA entity name?

class jpa entity

Error : CoreData: warning: Unable to load class named '' for entity 'Receipt'. But the class is deleted

ios swift class core-data entity

Implementing a Query Using @NamedQuery with a 'SELECT OBJECt(var) FROM EntityName var

java jpa select entity

Best Approach for Custom Information Extraction (NER)

Symfony/Form: Too few arguments to function DoctrineType::__construct()

Value object or entity object in my Hibernate mapping?

Entity Framework - Optimistic Concurrency Issue

insertNewObjectForEntityForName returns wrong type

Doctrine many repository for same entity

doctrine repository entity

when an entity stops to be managed in JPA

jpa entity

CLI Doctrine 2 - index already defined

.NET XmlDocument LoadXML and Entities

c# xml entity

hibernate @GeneratedValue correct?

java hibernate entity

How to get first EntityKey Name for an Entity in EF4

How to use entityManager inside Entity?

JPA @MappedSuperclass in separate JAR in Eclipse

google app engine: How do I add fields to an existent entity

google-app-engine entity

Business logic in Entity Framework POCOs using partial classes?