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New posts in nsmanagedobject

NSManagedObject timeStamp update

Difference between transient and derived properties of a core data entity

How to add attributes to a core data class created with the data model?

insertNewObjectForEntityForName returns wrong type

Core Data NSManagedObject - tracking if attribute was changed

NSManagedObject; keep or load into a custom NSObject?

Create NSManagedObjectSubclasses generate class outside of my project

CoreData merge conflict shows managed object version change not data

Making an "NSManaged public var" an Optional Boolean

objective c - making a NSManagedObject and regular NSObject classes that inherit from the same parent class

CoreData and NSInvalidArgumentException unrecognized selector sent to instance

Retrieving an NSManagedObject from an NSSet

ios nsmanagedobject nsset

Core Data: Where to put awakeFromFetch and awakeFromInsert?

NSPredicate for an NSManagedObject's string attribute's length

NSEntityDescription entityForName returning nil

How to override hash and isEqual for NSManagedObjects?

ios hash nsmanagedobject nsset

How to make Deep Copy of NSManagedObject in Core Data

NSManagedObject and KVO vs Documentation