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New posts in objective-c-category

Will the compiler auto-synthesize an ivar for a property declared in a category?

Objective-C Category Performance

Core Data: Where to put awakeFromFetch and awakeFromInsert?

Objective-C. Multiple anonymous categories?

Category is implementing a method which also be implemented in primary class : `viewWillAppear:`

Why can't I get my category instance method even after calling it?

"Cannot find interface declaration for <class>"

Subscripting syntax for NSMapTable in iOS 6

How to use an internal method in a Objective-C category?

Why does didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation in a category cause issues with UISplitView?

Call precedence for method overridden in category and again in subclass

objective-C how to declare private property for category?

Objective-C class names with a +

Swift: How to call a category or class method from Objective-C

Create Category Getting Error "cannot define category for Undefined class"

Implicit conversion of 'BOOL' (aka 'signed char') to 'id' ,objc_setAssociatedObject

When to use Categories Objective-C?

How to avoid subclass inadvertently overriding superclass private method

NSURLSessionTask category method crashes with "Unrecognized selector sent to instance"

Category Conflict: instance method in category from conflicts with same method from another category