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New posts in nsfetchedresultscontroller

Difference between transient and derived properties of a core data entity

Using an NSFetchedResultsController without a UITableViewController

Using NSSortDescriptor to keep 'nil' values at the bottom of a list

NSFetchedResultsController not updating UITableView's section indexes

Recipes for changing the Fetch Request for NSFetchedResultsController and reloading table data

NSSortDescriptor issue

How to do tight coupling between coredata/NSManagedObject model data changes with apps user interface?

Deleting last row in a section -> crash, using NSFetchedResultsController

How to prevent from scrolling UITableView up when NSFetchedResultsController add new record?

Background thread with Core Data and NSFetchedResultsController

Sectioning TableView and rows with Core Data Swift

nsfetchedresultscontroller delete cache with name in swift

Swipe to Delete a Cell in a Table using NSFetchedResultsController

Core Data - Order of objects in a to-many relationship

Indexed NSFetchedResultsController

Core Data crash: Keypath Project not found in entity

NSFetchedResultsController is not showing all results after merging an `NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification`

NSFetchedResultsController keep reference to deallocated delegate controller in storyboard, causing crash

UITableViewRowAnimation is ignored