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New posts in animation

CSS3 custom animation triggering after :hover

css animation hover

Draw arc with increasing radius?

Recursive/recurring animation events in D3

animation svg d3.js transition

How can I flip and enlarge a UIView it at the same time like iOS 7 iPad App Store?

keyframes animation in html css not working

d3: Smoothly animate a hand drawn line?

javascript animation d3.js

How to implement custom UIDynamicBehavior action

Animate a line with different colors

python animation matplotlib

SKSpriteNode stretching when manually animating textures

Use Velocity.js or Transit.js for CSS/JS/jQuery animations?

Animating CALayer background color and update model value

Animate the stroke width of a Shape

How to animate drawing a UIBezierPath in swift

Unexpected behavior of jquery animation

Is there a way to add multiple properties in the Unity 3d animation window at once?

animation unity3d

notifyItemInserted() in RecyclerView and animation

CSS Transition after animation ends

WPF: Animating along path geometry

c# wpf xaml animation

Countdown timer 'delays' when tab is inactive?

Different timing functions for different parts of css3 keyframe animation? (accurate bounce)

css animation