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New posts in uinavigationcontroller

When using popToRootViewController I lose my navigation bar

How can I flip and enlarge a UIView it at the same time like iOS 7 iPad App Store?

iOS7 Custom Transitions with UINavigationController

Can't change back button title from "Search" in pushed vc's navbar when a searchbar is displayed in previous view's navbar

How can I manage the potential endless pushing of view controllers onto the navigation controller stack? iOS

How to hide UINavigationBar from a UINavigationController?

Swift – self.navigationController becomes nil after transition

prefersStatusBarHidden isn't getting called

iOS 11 prefersLargeTitles not displaying until scroll

Grey background in navigation bar with searchController added to navigationItem during push

Toolbar in Navigation Controller

WPF NavigationService.Navigate not showing up in Expression Blend

Slide gesture with custom back button freezes the root view controller

UICollectionView frame changes after hide Nav Bar and Tab Bar

Pushing multiple UIViewControllers in NavigationController

Unable to pushViewController for subview

Navigation Bar "back" Button to dismiss Modal View

Can i add a Navigation Controller to a ModalViewController?

Animating UIView while pushing a UINavigationController

UINavigation controller Push and Pop