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New posts in uisearchcontroller

Disable blury background on UISearchController on tvOS

Grey background in navigation bar with searchController added to navigationItem during push

How can I make a UISearchController start hidden?

Top Safe Area Constraint Animation

Extra space on top of UISearchController's UITableView

UIsearchController inside UIViewController using Auto Layout

Strange white space at UITableView header when using UISearchController with UITableViewController on iOS 10

UISearchController search bar text disappears when losing focus

UISearchBar width doesn't change when its embedded inside a UINavigationBar

Can't edit UISearchController UISearchBar in navigationItem titleView

Warning: Attempt to present View Controller on * which is already presenting <UISearchController: 0x142a1f7c0>

scopeBar don't show under UISearchBar when it is active for the first time

Different behavior for segue using UISearchController