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New posts in ios7

iOS: How to let UITableView draw its cells out of its bounds?

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isKindOfClass does not work as expected IOS 7

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iOS 7 navigation bar of uinvigationcontroller issue

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Get IMEI for iOS7 programmatically

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How to keep icons from becoming glossy with Xcode 5 and iOS7?

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IOS 7 Weather APP Like Transition/Animations


How can I flip and enlarge a UIView it at the same time like iOS 7 iPad App Store?

iOS7 Custom Transitions with UINavigationController

iOS 7 How to animate StatusBarStyle from DefaultContent to LightContent

iOS UITextView: Increase line spacing without changing the height of the cursor?

ios ios7 uitextview

Has iOS 7 changed PNG compatibility/handling?

Customize iOS Simulator preset locations to fake as current location

<form target="_blank"> not working in iOS 7.0.3

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Can't change back button title from "Search" in pushed vc's navbar when a searchbar is displayed in previous view's navbar

How to detect if app automatically updated in iOS 7

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How to rearrange size of fonts in iOS 7 if we uses system font?

objective-c ios7 xcode4.5

Setting up Xcode for CocoaPods plugin

Mystic troubles with iOS deployment target on real devices

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iBeacon cannot be found by iPhone 4S

iphone ios7 ibeacon

attributed text not working on TableView Cell