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New posts in ibeacon

iBeacon cannot be found by iPhone 4S

iphone ios7 ibeacon

Simulate iBeacon with macOS

difference between didEnterRegion and didRangeBeacons

How to determine if user is already within region when CLLocationManager begins monitoring regions

How to calculate the distance to a beacon based on tx, rssi and accuracy

Detect iBeacons without knowing UUID. Some apps are doing so

iBeacon major and minor value inside didEnterRegion

Cannot detect iBeacon using AltBeacon/android-beacon-library

android ibeacon altbeacon

CLBeacon: How can I get the distance from the IBeacons?

ios objective-c xcode ibeacon

iBeacon monitoring and ranging in background

ios core-location ibeacon

How to read UDID, Major, Minor of beacon on android devices?

Can iBeacon scan iOS devices even bluetooth is off?

How to scan iBeacon signals without specifying UUID?

ios ibeacon

How to scan multiple regions using startMonitoringForRegion in Objective-C

CBPeripheral, Get Local Peripheral Identifier

How to know the closest iBeacon

Monitoring multiple beacon regions is not working yet developers have said it's possible? Thoughts? (See my code)

New ibeacons not detected in my app

How to generate or create iBeacons UUID?

Turn Windows laptop into iBeacon