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New posts in altbeacon

How to get faster ranging responses with AltBeacon?

Detect iBeacons without knowing UUID. Some apps are doing so

Cannot detect iBeacon using AltBeacon/android-beacon-library

android ibeacon altbeacon

setRangeNotifier(RangeNotifier) has been deprecated?

App Crash when Bluetooth is turned off on Android Lollipop

android bluetooth altbeacon

AltBeacon's Android Beacon Library getting major, minor and UUID

Can I transmit a beacon signal from my android device while at the same time scanning nearby beacons?

Monitoring iBeacons with Altbeacon library

android ibeacon altbeacon

How to get visible beacons from the RegionBootstrap AltBeacon method

AltBeacon onBeaconServiceConnect not called

Android AltBeacon library: how to find the beacon layout?

android ibeacon altbeacon

Trilateration in Android using iBeacons

How to detect multiple beacons using Altbeacon android library?

Multipeer Connectivity: iOS and Android [closed]

c# android ios xamarin altbeacon

Android AltBeacon Background Service Ranging

What is the correct BeaconLayout for Estimote and Gimbal beacons

Altbeacon library not working on Android 5.0

Prompting for location permission when NOT monitoring in background?

What exactly is txPower for Bluetooth LE and how is it used?

Android BTLE -> Cannot find callback wrapper