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New posts in android-6.0-marshmallow

Best practice to get json from url in api 23

get torch (flash) state to toggle it in android M

Android M shortcut install/uninstall duplication

Testing Doze feature (Android 6.0 Marshmallow) in Genymotion

Android Marshmallow - how to know "Never ask again" is checked before

Application (WiFi connections) doesn't work anymore on Android 6.0 Marshmallow

Check permissions and reload the activity

Runtime Permission at Startup


Android permission granted but still permission denied

encoded text of secretkey from keystore is null in android M

App crashes with SecurityException on Android M [duplicate]

Asking permission on Android M when Min SDK is L

What is Android Auto Backup for Apps?

Why doesn't this code work on android 6 marshmallow Api 23?

RecyclerView onScrollChangeListener

Bluetooth discover/scan code not working after update Android 6 on my Nexus 5

What will happen to un-updated apps that executes code that requires a permission that the user dis-allowed in Android 6.0 Marshmallow

Android M App Link Verification fails

Android 6.0 Bluetooth Program Cannot Discover Any Available Bluetooth Devices