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New posts in android-5.1.1-lollipop

Asking permission on Android M when Min SDK is L

Can we display Old Style Time picker (Pre Lollipop Time Picker ) in lollipop devices

Unable to disable com.android.systemui on rooted Nexus 9

ChildFragmentManager.findFragmentByID() returns null on android 4.4.2

ImageView shared element transition (between Activity) starts with wrong scaleType

Android is force-killing my launcher on BT connect

NavigationView + selector + ripple effect state selected not working

Jenkins Android build fails - can't build libwebviewchromium.so

AlarmManager not working on Samsung devices in Lollipop

Shared Element Transition into a View in a RecyclerView, possible?

Button style working in Android 5 but not Android 4

How to prevent BluetoothGattCallback from being executed multiple times at a time

Toast: Difference between "this" and "getApplicationContext()"?

Update Android System WebView on SDK Emulator

Creating A Digital Clock Widget With A Custom Font

surfaceview for camera is not working in android lollipop os