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New posts in android-appwidget

After extracting code to lib widget is no longer working

How to get ids of all the widgets installed?

android android-appwidget

Changing AppWidget's background dynamically with a 9 patch drawable

Update app widget on click in android

Get other applications icon uri?

How to change 'android:autoStart' attribute of ViewFlipper in RemoteViews programmatically?

Android AppWidget Not Displaying On Certain Phones

ViewFlipper inside Remoteview showNext() and showPrevious() not working

Is it possible to reuse RemoteViews in an appWidget instead of creating new ones every time? and how can I store them?

Load image with Glide for AppWidget

Updating widget width - height programmatically on device rotation

android android-appwidget

Listening to gestures on an App widget

android android-appwidget

Reconfigure Widget After It Has Been Added

Binding AppWidgets to AppWidgetHost - Android

Android AppWidget onUpdate on boot

android android-appwidget

Android: Is there a way to get the size of a RemoteViews object?

android android-appwidget

Widget Preview save location