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New posts in android-3.0-honeycomb

Custom preference broken in Honeycomb/ICS

Android Fragment behaving weird

Is there a way to display fragments in TabHost?

OnCreate runs AFTER onActivityResult on Honeycomb?

Multiple icon images in Honeycomb

How to add a second drop down list to Action Bar in Android Honeycomb?

How can I enable users to play video using my app?

How to start an action mode in android 3.0

Honeycomb and TabHost specs

Honeycomb and cursors (frustrated)

How to create a back item in ActionBar?

Android ObjectAnimation only started once

How to update my notification to show my time counter changing?

is there a way where I can call an network API call on main thread in android honeycomb?

Animation of menu items in ActionBar

Avoid Android automatically re-add my fragment on orientation change

Change theme according to android version

Font size too large to fit in cache

How can I customize the Action Mode's color and text?