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New posts in android-widget

how to launch activity after widget button is pressed?

Passing style resource id from XML to class not working

android android-widget

Dynamically adding a custom view to RemoteViews


How do you make custom widgets?

java android android-widget

Why NullPointerException when programmatically add my text view?

Rotation to an ImageView, inside a RelativeLayout

listview normal and hover background style in android

Android TextView id with a variable?

Widget layout change after widget resize

How to play a video in a webview with android?

Can I Update the string message of a ProgressDialog?

android android-widget

R.id Cannot be resolved

A simple Relative layout, align to parent right not work

Passing id of adjacent view in xml to the custom view and retrieving it in constructor of custom view

Identify triple tap on custom view

Android Home Screen Widget (icon, label - style)

android android-widget

How to cancel Android ListView item from being activated/highlighted in ListView's setOnItemClickListener?

missing animation in R.anim and Progressbar in ImageSwitcher

android android-widget

Problem while implement location listener in android appwidget

Android Widget Lifecycle

android android-widget