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New posts in android-preferences

RunTimeException in PreferenceFragment

Custom preference broken in Honeycomb/ICS

Can't set header preference icon via ?attr

What use instead of deprecated android.preference library on android 10+?

Change height of Preference items

Android Alarm Clock UI

How can I mask the summary of an EditTextPreference when it is a masked password field?

Problem with catching Preference Item click event

Should I create an activity for each screen?

Get Key, not value, of the ListPreference selection - Possible?

android not clearing sharedpreference

SharedPreferences reset: Map size is not 0 after reset

Android : Where should a OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener be defined/registered

SeekBarPreference with discrete values ()

Android: How to disable Reserved Icon Space in Preference Screen

Setting default values of multiple SharedPreferences instances/files

How can I change font size in PreferenceScreen