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Error inflating TextInputLayout.Outlined after switching to AndroidX

android androidx

How to find androidx.browser:browser version?

What use instead of deprecated android.preference library on android 10+?

What is the corresponding androix library for com.android.support:support-compat?

android androidx

'android.annotation.NonNull' is not public in 'android.annotation'. Cannot be accessed from outside package

Use AndroidX artifacts checkbox missing from AndroidStudio(Version 3.6.1), When creating a new project?

Linkify with Compose Text

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No static method dispatch Unhandled KeyEvent Pre

android androidx

Binary XML file line #10: Error inflating class com.google.android.material.button.MaterialButton for API Level 19

AndroidX Preference Screen shifted off center [duplicate]

App crashes (Databinding Error) after AndroidX Migration

AndroidX navigation navigateUp twice

AndroidTests stopped building after adding androidx.fragment:fragment-testing dependency

'android.useAndroidX' property is not enabled

java android androidx zoom-sdk

How to fix : ERROR: Failed to resolve: 'androidx.cardview:cardview:1.0.0'

How to set Nav Controller in AndroidX?

Why are there 2 different ComponentActivity classes?

cardBackgroundColor and cardCornerRadius not working in AndroidX

How do I make GlideApp Compatible with androidx?

android-studio androidx

Error: Program type already present: androidx.asynclayoutinflater.R

android androidx