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New posts in library-project

How to run unit tests for Xamarin library projects (iOS and Android)?

After extracting code to lib widget is no longer working

Import module to gradle project on android studio 0.4.0v

Calling an Application Activity from a Library Project in Android

Distinct communication from Android Library Project to App using it

android library-project

aar vs "plain module" advantages

Android Library AAR depending on another library

'aapt' error. Pre Compiler Build aborted

Why can't a .aidl be placed into a library project?

In Eclipse, how can I quickly access the source of an "android library project" from the source of a project that uses it?

How to reference an icon from a Library Project in Application's AndroidManifest.xml

Updated SDK Tools and ADT to 17 and now getting VerifyErrors

android adt library-project

What does checking the "is Library" checkbox do "Under the Cover"?

ActivityNotFoundException (YES, this activity is declared in AndroidManifest.xml)

How to Import Module without creating copy in Android Studio

Starting Activity from Android-Library-Project

Using Activities from Library projects

android library-project

Android Studio Library project error

How to use a library project in android studio

Gradle: add dependency for a specific flavour of the library