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How to pass SurfaceHolder via AIDL?

How to implement callbacks using IntentService on Android?

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Android: AIDL parameter receiving null

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What are the ordering guarantees of AIDL "oneway" remote calls?

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Android binder generator fails

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Pass active objects between services through AIDL

Android : Do Application Login in background on boot-up

Remote service, leaks activity when rotating

Why is AIDL/Messenger bound to a Service?

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AIDL unable to find the definition of a Parcelable class

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readFromParcel() method in Parcelable interface

The import android.os.ServiceManager cannot be resolved

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Android: transfer byte array with AIDL

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Android AIDL with Java generics

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How can I use AIDL remote service to deal with defferent clients' concurrent requests?

how to compile aidl file in android project?

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How to call an Android remote service (IPC) from a Widget / local service?

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Android AIDL support "short" type?

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Android: AIDL refusing to generate code from aidl file defining parcelable

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Android Remote methods (AIDL) vs Intents - performance & battery usage