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New posts in android-binder

Android Local Service Sample, bindservice(), and ServiceConnection()

What are the ordering guarantees of AIDL "oneway" remote calls?

android aidl android-binder

Android: trouble with bindService() -> service is null

Android binder generator fails

android aidl android-binder

Android Binder Internals

Pass active objects between services through AIDL

Sharing file descriptor using Android binder

android android-binder

Android System's use of Binder Tokens

android android-binder

Android Binder clearing caller identity

How can I use AIDL remote service to deal with defferent clients' concurrent requests?

How to setup a Jupyter-notebook with calysto-processing to run in Binder?

ParcelFileDescritor.createPipe(), aka pipe(2), and security

Android throw DeadObjectException: Transaction failed on small parcel; remote process probably died just in HUAWEI Android 8.0.0

Rapid IPC with Messengers or AIDL

Android ipc LocalSocket vs Binder (AIDL)

Send custom object using Android native Binder