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Why can't a .aidl be placed into a library project?

Can Messenger (lightweight alternative to AIDL) be used for cross-application communication?

android ipc aidl

android aidl import

android import aidl

Android sharing SurfaceTexture between two processes

Best way for Service that starts Activity to communicate with it

android aidl

Android Aidl error sdk build tools 29.0.0

android aidl

AIDL not finding inner classes

android aidl

Android : Create a single task with multiple applications' activities (Lauchmode issue)

Android AIDL security

android aidl

Android ipc LocalSocket vs Binder (AIDL)

Use AIDL interfaces across module/subprojects in Gradle

android gradle aidl

How to define parcelable of interface type in .aidl file?

android parcelable aidl parcel

Passing enums through aidl interfaces

GREF increasing / decreasing in multi-threaded service (aidl) - what does it mean?

Android broadcast receivers vs aidl

Managing remote service callbacks

Is it possible to use inheritance in AIDL interfaces?

maven build android project: specify the location of aidl file

AIDL service not connecting after bindService()