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New posts in primitive

Java compiler behaviour during narrowing primitive conversion

When changing the value of a variable in C, is a new primitive created or is the current primitive mutated?

Why do custom children of Number not inherit auto-boxing?

long primitive NaN value wanted

java null primitive

Is it possible to write custom primitives for GNU Emacs with C?

c emacs elisp primitive

Assigning long to Long in Java

how java compare two primitive data type with different size

Why is assigning 'int constant -> byte variable' valid, but 'long constant -> int variable' is not?

java casting primitive

declaring/initializing primitives equal to creating new objects

Profiling floating point usage in C

surprising double comparison [duplicate]

java primitive

Promotion of primitive types

Is it worth keeping constants for primitives in Java?

java primitive

Why does JavaScript use the term "Number" as opposed to "Integer"?

10 LISP primitives analogous to 5 axioms of Euclidean geometry?

lisp geometry primitive axiom

Primitive and Non Primitive types getters/setters and initialization

java primitive

What are the default values for data types in Java? [duplicate]

java primitive

Detect duplicate values in primitive Java array

Is there a reason to always use Objects instead of primitives?

How to render primitives in wireframe in Open Gl ES