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New posts in primitive-types

Resize primitive 2D array

Java primitives and overloading

memory size of int vs integer in java

java memory primitive-types

How method-overloading and primitive types works?

Why isn't 'f' necessary when declaring a non-decimal float in Java? [duplicate]

Why the maxValue + 1 of an int is the same as maxValue, but not for shorts and bytes?

how java compare two primitive data type with different size

Should I use a wrapper or primitive type as field while using Jackson

Representing 3 Integers Using One Byte?

About long long and long double

Why are value classes restricted to AnyVal?

Are members of a built-in type ever default-initialised?

Why don't the wrapper classes for Primitives have a setter?

Java: Unsigned numbers

What does bitwise & 0x3FF do?

java primitive-types

Check in reflection if type is primitive or type is object

Using Java doubles (or anything else) to store simple fractions [duplicate]

What is the purpose of having a suffix for Java Primitive Data Types?

java primitive-types

What is the Addr# type, and how can I use it?

haskell primitive-types

In Java, is a char[] an object?