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New posts in newtype

How to state that a type variable in a newtype statement is of a type that belongs to some type class?

haskell typeclass newtype

Define constructor for newtype

haskell constructor newtype

How to define a Haskell function with an argument of "newtype"?

haskell types newtype

Understanding the State Monad

How to access newtype named tuples fields in haskell

haskell tuples named newtype

Performing algebra with newtypes based on integers Haskell

haskell algebra newtype

Why are value classes restricted to AnyVal?

Functor type variables for Flip data type

Haskell instance read for newtype that is just an int

haskell newtype deriving

Specifying Tuple in `newtype` Argument

haskell newtype

How can I create newtypes for an unsized type and its owned counterpart (like `str` and `String`) in safe Rust?

rust newtype

Lens: zooming newtype

GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving fails for PersistFieldSql

haskell newtype forall

Rewrite rules with newtype

How to construct fmap for a newtype that houses functions

haskell functor newtype

Creating a `newtype Maybe a`

haskell newtype

Structuring continuation types?

Unable to derive Applicative when combining two monad transformer stacks

Does F# have 'newtype' of Haskell?

haskell types f# parsec newtype