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New posts in continuations

What do "continuations" mean in functional programming?(Specfically SML)

Does it matter where a shift stands in a reset block?

Question about Scala continuation

scala continuations

Implement yield and send in Scheme

Static variables in Scheme/Racket?

Using continuation to transform binary recursion to tail recursion

Scheme: What is the difference between define and let when used with continutation

scheme racket continuations

Cons of first class continuations

Are generators in JavaScript functionally equivalent to coroutines in other languages? [duplicate]

CPS compiler for coroutine implementation

Why do continuations not have useful arity?

scheme racket continuations

Understanding shift/reset in Racket

How is a reset with two shifts reified in Scala?

How is callCC implemented in strict functional languages?

CPS in curried languages

Coroutines or continuations for Web programming in Python and Ruby. Why not? [closed]

How can the continuation monad be expressed using the free monad?