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New posts in callcc

Seasoned Schemer's get-first, get-next, and waddle functions

Scheme: how does a nested call/cc work for a coroutine?

Can "if" be implemented using "call/cc"?

What distinguishes a continuation from a function?

Palindrome and Danvy's remark on direct style

call-with-current-continuation - state saving concept

I can't seem to wrap my mind around call/cc in Scheme

How is callCC implemented in strict functional languages?

Continuation (call/cc) in Scheme

scheme continuations callcc

Specifics of call/cc

scheme continuations callcc

Checkpoint and restore the heap in Ruby

Can we describe Clojure's core.async as 'continuation passing style'?

Is it possible to use call/cc to implement recursion?

Java: using a RuntimeException to escape from a Visitor

How come that we can implement call/cc, but the classical logic (intuitionistic + call/cc) is not constructive?

The ContT Monad: Putting the pieces together

Can call-with-current-continuation be implemented only with lambdas and closures?

How to make callCC more dynamic?

call/cc implementation?