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New posts in control-flow

How to implement a more general reduce function to allow early exit?

Control flow logic in for loop

java for-loop control-flow

Does it matter to use `if ... else` or `if ... return; {implicit else}`? [closed]

python control-flow

For loop in list

f# control-flow

How can I rewrite this (cleanly) without gotos?

c goto control-flow

Running Tensorflow graph multiple times over different input parameters: what kind of loop is efficient?

Is the break keyword in Javascript only meant for breaking out of loops?

RxJava infinite retry with new observable

conditionally executing a callback

How to avoid code duplication?

Trouble in understanding control flow in python class (in a google app engine)

python class control-flow

Returns inside transactions and ActiveRecord::Rollback

Java flow-control

java control-flow

Is there a way to get a macro to do an extra evaluation before returning its result?

Can "if" be implemented using "call/cc"?

Ruby flow control: throw an exception, return nil or let it fail?

Is non-local return in Scala new?

scala return control-flow