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New posts in vert.x

TCP server vs HTTP server in vert.x


Dynamic verticles - how to properly design vert.x architecture for a simple vert.x game?

List all registered routes in Vertx

java vert.x vertices

Async App Server versus Multiple Blocking Servers

compose with vertx for sequential code


Does vert.x have centralized filtering?


How to get POST form data using VERTX handlers?

java vert.x forms http-post

Remote debug kotlin code via IntelliJ [duplicate]

How to properly synchronize concurrent reads and writes on a AsynchronousSocketChannel

"Connection reset by peer" and "Too many open files" exceptions wile trying to scale out Vert.x server

Mounting a Vert.x sub-router on a path with path parameters

Stubbing a void method with side effects

java mocking mockito vert.x

Vertx Mock an async method with Handler<AsyncResult<>> argument

testing mocking mockito vert.x

Mocking a class that Verticle depends on

Dependency injection/ORM in Vertx for Java