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MapReduce continuous execution

How to implement real-time updates with Django REST Framework?

Is it possible to use perl/ajax to read a file line by line while the file is written by another program?

ajax bash perl ssh real-time

Ajax Push Engine

Real time with Rails

Dynamic verticles - how to properly design vert.x architecture for a simple vert.x game?

ViewModel tree vs. frequently updating Model tree

wpf mvvm real-time

Is it possible to "hang" a Linux box with a SCHED_FIFO process?

Alternative of EDF algorithm

How to produce thumbnails in real-time?

Why does Python's queue.Queue.get() permit returning early from timeouts?

python real-time

Low level C/C++ networking concepts for real-time programming?

c++ c networking real-time

Push messages to clients in Python

python real-time


How to dynamically render/load pages in express?

iOS process audio stream while playing video

Embox compilation and flashing

Is Faye compatible with all browsers?

How do I parse emails in realtime as they are recieved

Technology behind real-time polling