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New posts in passenger

How to stop rails nginx-passenger application?

Invalid command 'PassengerDefaultRuby'

cannot load such file -- app.rb (LoadError)

ruby nginx sinatra passenger

Errno::EACCES (Permission denied @ dir_s_mkdir

Nginx passenger integration mode always require Passengerfile.json file?

Real time with Rails

Rails JavaScript views not working in production

Passenger: Could not find rake-10.0.4 in any of the sources (Bundler::GemNotFound)

What is the passenger_free_ruby executable that is installed by the apt passenger package

ubuntu passenger

How do I clear the cache of Ruby Phusion Passenger in Ubuntu?

ruby caching passenger phusion

paperclip accepting jpg and png on production

One rails application for multiple domain names

Could not find rack-1.2.3 in any of the sources (Bundler::GemNotFound)

How to get rufus-scheduler working with a Rails app deployed to Heroku?

Rails 4 subdomains does not work on production

How can I tell Phusion Passenger which python to use?

capistrano + git deployment: could not create work tree dir : Permission denied

Debugging Django with Werkzeug under WSGI/Passenger - problems

sudo: rvm: command not found - RVM MultiUser install on Ubuntu 12.04 server

running multiple rails websites using phusion passenger 3.0.17 with nginx