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New posts in sinatra

cannot load such file -- app.rb (LoadError)

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Heroku Deployment error H10 "configuration /app/config.ru not found"

ruby heroku deployment sinatra

Unwanted whitespace in Erb view

ruby sinatra erb

When I try adding rack-flash to my sinatra app it stops working

ruby sinatra rack

Devise authentication for sinatra app mounted in Rails

Undefined method `haml' when rendering haml in Pony mail from scheduled job

Changing HTTP status message using Sinatra

How to make rack session cookies httponly?

Sinatra & HAML: auto-escape/convert unsafe HTML characters for a whole template?

html ruby sinatra haml

JSON::ParserError: A JSON text must at least contain two octets! (for non-nil input)

ruby json post sinatra

Meteor.js apps and API's

rest express sinatra meteor

How to not include layout.haml in sinatra app

ruby layout sinatra

Ruby Hash: can't convert String into Integer TypeError

Receiving ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED after Sinatra deployment on Digital Ocean

pm2 for Ruby or Sinatra apps?

ruby sinatra

Authlogic with sinatra?

Relative path issue within Sinatra view

ruby sinatra erb

Sinatra tests always 404'ing

ruby testing sinatra rack

How to serve generated images with sinatra in ruby

ruby image sinatra rmagick

Is anything wrong with using Sinatra to develop a full website?

ruby web sinatra