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Module build failed: Error: spawn bin/rails ENOENT

Unwanted whitespace in Erb view

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Haml for rails, Use 'haml' gem alone or with 'haml-rails'

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Why is embedded ruby not working in a static page in public folder?

Ruby on Rails - Using helpers inside css erb file gives undefined method

Preventing single quotes being escaped in image_tag onClick in .ERB

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Ruby RegEx/pattern-match for exact word/string matching

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Loading different Javascript files in Rails based on environment

How to Dynamically name a Hash key in Ruby

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Rails - How can I detect if the content_for content was provided?

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Relative path issue within Sinatra view

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\n new line escape sequence in ERB

in sinatra using erubis, default setting escape_html is true. sometimes hava to unescape

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Rails: Setting a value to input field if variable exists

"#{ }" notation vs. erb notation

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how to test the result of applying a puppet template to given test parameters

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Rails html render to string

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ERB doesn't recognize -%> tag

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Generate HTML files with ERB?

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Rails syntax error: unexpected keyword_ensure, expecting keyword_end

ruby-on-rails ruby erb